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Level 4 is our most challenging level to master as it is a considerable motor program to master, like learning how to walk. On average, it takes our swimmers 12 months to master all three skills, but it can take some swimmers up to 24 months to master.
We never hold our swimmers back but do have to
uphold the standard passing requirements for all our swimmers.
There are three skills to master in level 4.
For our two side-breathers, we combine the skills mastered from 20 feet of Crawl and their Side-glide-
kick to produce an efficient freestyle. They will need this skill in level 5.6.7 when our passing
requirement goes from 20 feet of Crawl to 1+ laps of Crawl/Freestyle.
Without efficient side breathers, this can pose a safety risk to the swimmer, the other kids in the class, and the coach. This safety risk is why we are firm in our “Skill Mastery” expectations for level 4 and cannot simply pass a swimmer
without them demonstrating the skill correctly.